Steps to take
Registration | Steps to take | Placement Test
Points of interest in the courses
1 - The placement test result is valid for only 45 days.
2 - You should complete your registration at least 48 hours prior to the commencement of the term.
3 - Term duration is a month and a half, and each session is 1 hour and 45 minutes.
4 - Registration slip is to be submitted to the course instructor at the first session.
5 - You are allowed only 3 absences per term.
6 - Each class is scheduled to have one movie session throughout the term.
7 - Top students will be awarded a 10% discount for the following term.
8 - You can access your final and midterm scores on our website 48 hours after test administration.

“We are with you every step of the way”
(For more information, please inquire from the office by phone/in person)